Categorized | Civil Justice Update

Philip Morris Ordered to Pay 26 million Tobacco Verdict


While tobacco cases around the country have met with little success over recent years with some limited exceptions, big tobacco continues to face liability in Florida of all places as a result of the Engel  class-action. Yesterday a federal judge in Florida ordered that Philip Morris must pay the verdict rendered against it.   In this regard the judge ordered that Philip Morris USA Inc. must pay the $26.5 million jury verdict awarded in a so-called Engle progeny case filed by a longtime smoker alleging the company misled her by advertising “light” cigarettes as safer.  you have to wonder whether 100 years from now people will look back historically and shake their head asking why did so many people get placed or place themselves in harms way. Why did society allow such a dangerous product to be sold for so long. This product has destroyed many lives and ripped apart many families but yet it stays on the market. 

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